Hot Zones
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"Hot Zones" are zones which have an increased experience modifier meaning you can likely gain experience significantly faster in those zones. These zones change from time to, typically a few times a year.
Current Hot Zones
As of 22 April 2007 the hot zones are:
Level | Zone |
20 | Netherbian Lair |
25 | Crypt of Dalnir |
30 | Crystal Caverns |
35 | Iceclad Ocean |
40 | The Scarlet Desert |
45 | The Burning Wood |
50 | Dranik's Scar |
55 | Acrylia Caverns |
60 | Dragon Necropolis |
65 | Wall of Slaughter |
Note that the given level is only the suggested level for that zone.
Previous Hot Zones
Note that these zones no longer have the increased experience modifier and are only listed for historical purposes.